Whisky Tour of Scotland 2023 (8 days/6 nights)

Cost per person:

Based on 40 passengers $4,029.00
Based on 30 passengers $4,269.00
Based on 20 passengers $4,649.00
Land package (no flights included)
40 pax $2,869.00
30 pax $3,069.00
20 pax $3,449.00
Single supplement $429.00
Optional all-inclusive insurance with MANULIFE covers up to $3,800.00 (rates are based on your age) prior to departure:
Up to $4,100.00 Up to $4,300.00 Up to $4,700.00
Up to age 54 $400.00 $414.00 $440.00
Age 55 - 59 $400.00 $414.00 $440.00
Age 60 - 64 $465.00 $481.00 $513.00
Age 65 - 69 $557.00 $575.00 $613.00
Age 70 - 74 $713.00 $735.00 $778.00
For a different coverage/age group please contact us directly for a quotation. Insurance costs are subject to change any time until booked

Cost includes:

Cost does not include:

Travel Insurance

Note that Manulife insurance does not cover COVID related pre-trip cancellation.

Manulife all-inclusive insurance covers the following (insurance brochures available on request):

Registration Information


Touringhouse Certifications